Sunday, May 06, 2012

Indiana Martial Arts Seminar

I am currently working to schedule a unique martial arts seminar to be held in the Warsaw, Indiana area on August 4 & 5, 2012. This event will feature several martial arts/self-defense instructors covering different topics. While this seminar will focus on techniques and tools that go beyond basic self-defense it will be suitable for anyone interested in martial arts or personal protection skills. Beginners are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Currently the topic line-up includes-

Essentials of the Fighting Tomahawk
Muay Thai for Street Defense
Fighting Bandanna  and Other Flexible Weapons
Trapping Skills for All Styles
and much more.

Details will be posted here and on my website as things solidify.

Take care and stay safe,


About Me

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-27 years training in personal safety -Multiple martial arts black belts -Multiple instructor certifications -Certified law enforcement trainer -Crime Prevention Specialist -Previous self-defense trainer for one of the country's largest airlines -Child safety specialist -Certified Fitness Trainer -TACTIX Fitness Trainer -High Intensity Training Specialist -FAST Defense Instructor -Kid Escape Instructor
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