Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Self-Defense Blunders #8 - Pepper Spray Gadgets

I have discussed the pros and cons of various safety-related gadgets and gimmicks before. However, I feel the need to discuss a specific type of gadget that is being shamelessly promoted to women as an effective means of self-defense.
Pepper spray, technically known as Oleoresin Capsicum or OC for short can be an effective tool for self-defense under certain circumstances and IF it’s properly used. Like any defensive tool, there are numerous factors that will determine whether or not pepper spray is effective which is why training is essential. That said, it is still a good tool for those seeking non-lethal options for keeping themselves safe from assault. The problem isn’t the tool itself but the deviant manufacturers and sales people that have turned a decent tool into just another novelty personal safety gadget in order to make a profit.
Over the years manufacturers have offered numerous canister designs for pepper spray ranging from large fire extinguisher style models to compact keychain designs. This essentially provides more options and encourages more people to purchase pepper spray. However, manufacturers are now going to great lengths to create designs that are not only more convenient but more attractive to consumers. This includes the Pepper Spray Ring which has been available for many years and now the more commonly available Pepper Spray Bracelet. These items are worn just like any other form of jewelry but actually conceal small canisters of pepper spray. The keyword there is “small”. The idea is that the convenience of these items will encourage women to wear them regularly thus having a means of self-defense with them at all times. Of course this all makes perfect sense in theory but unfortunately, reality is another story.
As I mentioned before pepper spray has its place and can be an effective defensive tool. However, like other self-defense tools it requires a solid understanding of the strengths and weaknesses. First off, to be effective the tool must be easily accessible. I readily agree that having the spray attached to the finger or wrist would make the tool easily accessible, at least under normal conditions. However, that is the only pro for these novelty gadgets. Where the real issues come into play is the design and size of the containers. In order to make them low profile and convenient to wear the size of the containers must be greatly reduced. Obviously the smaller the container, the less pepper spray the container will hold. The smaller the container, the smaller the nozzle is going to be. The smaller the nozzle, the more difficult it will be to hit the target area of a violently-moving attacker. Starting to see the big picture? The reality is that under the stress of a violent attack it will be difficult to effectively hit the face of the attacker with the spray. Even if you are lucky enough to hit the target on the first shot there is no guarantee that it will immediately incapacitate the attacker. The truth is that you may completely miss the first shot or two until you are able to successfully hone in on the target through visual referencing. Even then it may require several bursts of spray to completely engulf the eyes, not to mention the nose and mouth. While several direct shots MAY slow or incapacitate an attacker, I wouldn’t bet my life on it. That being the case, it only seems logical that the container be large enough to hold the minimum amount of pepper spray needed to effectively hit the desired target and that the nozzle be the appropriate diameter to disperse an accurate and effective dose. It would also only be logical to assume that the pepper spray may not slow or stop the threat and that you may be required to rely on a back-up tool or empty-hand skills to protect yourself.
One other thing that must be considered that is generally overlooked by unaware customers…these devices require the use of BOTH hands to be used effectively against an attacker. While the ring or bracelet is worn on one hand, the other hand must be used to engage the device in order to spray the attacker. What happens when one hand is grabbed or even injured? The sad reality is that this would make these novelty devices completely inoperable.
Obviously the creators of such gadgets have never found themselves facing a violent attack. If they had they would know how chaotic, scary, and messy such attacks can be. There is often little opportunity or the ability to employ fine motor skills such as pulling small pins or pushing small buttons and rarely would a person be able to devote two hands to such an act since they would be too busy fending off or striking the attacker.
If you should choose to carry pepper spray as a defensive option please don’t risk your safety or life with these novelty gadgets. Be sure to seek out proper training first and foremost. Next, take time to choose a container of appropriate size. Basically it should fit your hand and be large enough to hold multiple (at least 4 or 5) large bursts of pepper spray. The button or plunger should be large enough to accommodate your thumb and allow easy deployment with only one hand. Forgo the novelty designs if safety is a true concern. When in doubt stick to the classic container designs that have been in use for nearly 30 years and have been shown to be effective even under duress. 

Steve Zorn, ICPS


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-27 years training in personal safety -Multiple martial arts black belts -Multiple instructor certifications -Certified law enforcement trainer -Crime Prevention Specialist -Previous self-defense trainer for one of the country's largest airlines -Child safety specialist -Certified Fitness Trainer -TACTIX Fitness Trainer -High Intensity Training Specialist -FAST Defense Instructor -Kid Escape Instructor
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