Saturday, February 23, 2013
Self-Defense Blunders #7 - Emphasis on Joint Locks
The first step to identifying effective
self-defense options is to determine who will be learning these
skills. I am not so much worried about gender or age as I am about
the types of situations or environments this person may be forced to
face. Is this person a law enforcement officer that will be required
to use these skills to apprehend criminals? Maybe this person is a
sport-based fighter that will test these skills out in a cage fight?
Or this person might be a civilian that will some day be required to
fight for his life against an armed attacker? The reality is that
each of these people will require different skills that are
applicable to their specific needs. The law enforcement officer will
likely never need cage-fighting skills, the cage fighter will most
likely not be required to apprehend criminals, and the civilian will
probably never need those skills that contradict his objective of
surviving violence.
The need for task-specific skills is
nothing new. Yet, there are so many systems out there that continue
to offer these “one-size-fits-all” approaches to self-defense.
Then there are self-defense systems that while relatively good, still
include techniques and tactics that contradict the primary goal, to
escape violence or survive when escape is no longer an option. One
such tactic that is commonly included in modern self-defense systems
is the “joint lock”. As the name implies, the idea is to place
the attacker’s joints in compromising positions that create pain,
misalign the skeletal system, or simply dislocate bones. These types
of techniques are most often used by law enforcement and security
personnel to aid in the apprehension and containment of common
criminals. However, they have been included in numerous civilian
self-defense programs since the early 1900’s. These systems were
originally based on the Japanese martial art of Jujitsu, which
emphasized joint locking techniques. While Jujitsu was fairly unheard
of by many during those initial years, its popularity grew during
WWII due to it’s effectiveness in combat. Many military instructors
and Jujitsu black belts took advantage of that popularity by writing
numerous books for the civilian market. As they say, the rest is
history. That said, it’s important to note that while Jujitsu is
known for its joint locking capabilities, these techniques are not
exclusive to jujitsu. In fact, joint locks can be found in hundreds
of martial arts from numerous cultures, some dating back thousands of
So, if these joint locking techniques
were so effective for war, wouldn’t that make them just as
effective for modern self-defense? To be blunt…yes and no! Joint
locking techniques can be used for a variety of situations from a low
level threat up to an armed attacker. Obviously their versatility
would make them good for self-defense. However, there are a number of
issues involved that make joint lock techniques less than ideal for
general self-defense. Let’s address the issues.
Joint locks require many years to
master.- The reality is that many of the joint locks taught during
periods of war were simplified so they could be taught relatively
quickly. However, even these simplified locks required above average
skill levels. What’s important to note is that the soldiers spent
many hours each week learning and practicing these skills before they
carried them into battle but most people that seek out modern
self-defense training do not have the time, energy, or desire to
invest in regular weekly practice. As a general rule of thumb, the
greater the skill that a technique requires the more time and energy
a person must invest in it. That said, these types of techniques may
not be ideal options for those seeking crash-course self-defense
Joint locks generally engage both
hands- While there are many highly skilled Jujitsu masters
out there that can perform joint locks with only one hand, they are
few and far between. The reality is that the majority of effective
joint locks require the use of two hands. This means that both of you
hands will be occupied while attempting to lock or control an
aggressive attacker. The result is a reduction in reaction time
should you need to use a hand to block or deflect an incoming strike.
It also means that you are more vulnerable to attacks from a second
or third assailant.
Joint locks are inappropriate for
many situations- The biggest issue with joint locking
techniques is the fact that they are not appropriate for all
situations. Imagine being assaulted by two or more individuals. Now
imagine that each attacker is bigger, stronger, and more aggressive
than you. Do you think joint locking techniques would be appropriate
or even effective in such a case? The fact is that joint locks are
appropriate for only a handful of situations. Essentially these
would be law enforcement and security situations. There are only a
couple of situations that would be appropriate for a civilian to use
joint locks or other restraint techniques. 1) during scenarios that
involved low level threats, such as a drunk uncle 2) during a
scenario where someone intended to harm themselves and a civilian was
the only person available to intervene. However, in either case there
are better and more easily learned options that don't pose potential
injury to the recipient. The truth is that realistic self-defense is
about awareness and avoidance which can lead most people away from
bad situations before they have to resort to physical self-defense.
This being the case, I see very few reasons or situations that would
require a civilian to have to use joint locking techniques in defense
of themselves or someone else.
Joint locks require prolonged
contact- Not only do joint locks require the use of two hands
but they also require a prolong period of physical contact. Yes, a
lock can be used to damage or incapacitate the attacker relatively
quickly (with proper skill) but it still requires more time to do
than to simply strike a vital target. The problem is that the
effectiveness of the lock will be dependent on numerous factors to
include the user's skill and strength, the attacker's strength, pain
tolerance, etc. Due to all of these factors a simple joint lock could
turn into a wrestling match for survival. The more time you spend
with an attacker, the greater your chances of sustaining major injury
or loss of life.
Joint locks can cause tactic
fixation- This is a common phenomenon amongst many martial
arts and self-defense practitioners. They get so caught up in
specific techniques and tactics that they become fixated. As an example, those that overemphasize joint locking
techniques will often try to find a way to employ a joint lock even
when one is not necessary or even appropriate. They may also fixate
on a specific technique to the point that they will continue to try
to make it work even after it has failed once or twice before. The
issue here is that while they are fixating on these locking
techniques they could be using techniques and tactics that are more
efficient as well as more appropriate.
Joint locks require more strength
and energy- This should go without saying but anytime we
attempt to wrestle with an attacker our strength and energy
expenditure drastically increases. Even with a high level of skill it
still requires more strength and energy to lock and control joints
than it does to strike a vital target on the attacker. While this
isn't a huge concern in general martial arts training, it can mean
the difference between life and death during a violent encounter.
Joint locks are less likely to
slow or stop a determined attacker- Statistically speaking
joint lock techniques are less likely to slow or stop the threat than
other more efficient means of defense. This can be due to numerous
variables such as pain tolerance, attacker's strength, heightened
adrenal response, impaired senses from drug and alcohol abuse,
mind-set, etc. Many of us have seen the cage fights in which joint
locking techniques resulted in broken limbs, yet the recipient was
able to continue to fight, often unaware of the injury. There are
also dozens of police reports where officers share similar
experiences of attempting to subdue a highly resisting assailant that
was able to resist multiple officers in spite of having a broken
limb. Obviously these variables in conjunction with the other issues
make joint locks less than ideal for slowing or stopping a determined
While joint locking techniques should
be included in comprehensive martial arts programs and they most
definitely should be taught to law enforcement and security
personnel, I believe that they have very little relevance to
civilians that require the knowledge and skills to keep themselves
safe from crime and assault. As mentioned previously, they require
more time and energy than other more effective tactics and they are
less likely to slow or stop a determined threat. If instructors feel
strongly that joint lock techniques need to be in their self-defense
curriculum, they should at least simplify the techniques and focus on
those most likely to work under stress with the least amount of training. Instructors should
also avoid fixating on joint lock techniques and emphasize that locks
are lower on the list of priorities, reserved only for those
situations previously mentioned.
Steve Zorn, ICP
Monday, February 04, 2013
How much do you value the safety of your children or the children in your care? PART 2
Many years ago I had set up a booth at our local downtown days. I was
handing out flyers for an upcoming Kid Escape presentation that was
going to be held at a local martial arts school. This was going to be
free-of-charge to all children and their parents. As parents would walk
by I would hand them a flyer. I recall
this one mother walking by with two small children. I handed her a
flyer. She paused and looked at it intently, then turned back to me,
handed the flyer back and said "my children don't need this". I was
caught totally by surprise. How in the world can a mother truly believe
that her two children didn't need to know how to keep themselves safe
from predators? In reality, it had nothing to do with the children not
needing this knowledge, but had everything to do with the mother living
in a constant state of denial. It's what I call the "ostrich syndrome".
People try to ignore the reality of the world we live in. They think
that if they don't acknowledge the crime and violence that exists that
it will just somehow go away and they will never be forced to deal with
such issues. In other words, if they don't think about it, it will never
happen to them, their children, or to anyone they know. Unfortunately,
this is far from the truth. In fact, those living in denial are more
likely to become victims. Why? Because they are not physically or
mentally prepared to deal with crime or assault. This is exactly what
predators look for when searching out a potential victim. The sad thing
is that in this particular case, it's the children that could ultimately
suffer because of this denial.
A couple of years after the above situation I was at a local private school. I was talking to a group of teachers and parents about the Kid Escape program. I was explaining how I would present the program, what the kids would be learning, and what was involved. I remember that someone asked how much the program would cost. At the time I was charging a very small fee of $1 per child to present at the schools, just enough to cover the cost of handouts and a little (very little) for my time and that's what I told them. Then I remember a father raising his hand to ask a question. Here was the question..."who is going to pay for this?" Wow! All I could think of is that I was trying to provide life-saving information to his children and he was worried about the cost, a whole $1. In other words his children's safety meant so little to him that he didn't want to pay $1 to possibly save their life. This man probably spent money on himself every week buying frivolous things but $1 was too much to empower his children with knowledge and skills they would have for the rest of their life. Wow! Keeping in mind that this was a private school which costs way more than the average public school, tells us that he wasn't hurting for money.
A number of years ago I had contacted a nearby elementary school asking them to allow me to present the Kid Escape program for their students. They just blew me off. Not more than two weeks later a predator attempted to abduct one of their students as she was leaving the school. The only thing that saved her was the fact that an adult nearby just happened to see what was going on and chased the predator off. If the adult hadn't been there, it would have likely ended in tragedy.
These are just a few examples of the "ostrich syndrome" and the reluctance of parents and educators to seriously consider the safety of their children or children in their care.
If you have the "ostrich syndrome", please take steps to eliminate it now, before it's too late.
Steve Zorn, ICPS t
A couple of years after the above situation I was at a local private school. I was talking to a group of teachers and parents about the Kid Escape program. I was explaining how I would present the program, what the kids would be learning, and what was involved. I remember that someone asked how much the program would cost. At the time I was charging a very small fee of $1 per child to present at the schools, just enough to cover the cost of handouts and a little (very little) for my time and that's what I told them. Then I remember a father raising his hand to ask a question. Here was the question..."who is going to pay for this?" Wow! All I could think of is that I was trying to provide life-saving information to his children and he was worried about the cost, a whole $1. In other words his children's safety meant so little to him that he didn't want to pay $1 to possibly save their life. This man probably spent money on himself every week buying frivolous things but $1 was too much to empower his children with knowledge and skills they would have for the rest of their life. Wow! Keeping in mind that this was a private school which costs way more than the average public school, tells us that he wasn't hurting for money.
A number of years ago I had contacted a nearby elementary school asking them to allow me to present the Kid Escape program for their students. They just blew me off. Not more than two weeks later a predator attempted to abduct one of their students as she was leaving the school. The only thing that saved her was the fact that an adult nearby just happened to see what was going on and chased the predator off. If the adult hadn't been there, it would have likely ended in tragedy.
These are just a few examples of the "ostrich syndrome" and the reluctance of parents and educators to seriously consider the safety of their children or children in their care.
If you have the "ostrich syndrome", please take steps to eliminate it now, before it's too late.
Steve Zorn, ICPS
How much do you value the safety of your children or the children in your care?
I have been striving to get the Kid Escape abduction prevention program
to as many children as possible. I have been contacting schools,
churches, and any other organizations that directly work with children.
To be honest, I am shocked at the number of organizations that care so
little about the safety of the children in their care. To say I have been extremely disappointed is an understatement.
One of the churches I recently contacted made the following statement in response- "the time allotted to us for any special events for kids outside of Sunday services are intended for discipleship opportunities to help further grow kids in their relationship with Christ. We try to stay within those guidelines when providing additional programs through out the year."
Let me be perfectly clear here...I believe that assisting children to have a better relationship with Christ is very important. However, this alone will not prevent these children from becoming victims of abduction or abuse. This alone most certainly will not prepare a child for the pain and violence they may be forced to endure at the hands of a predator. To think otherwise is not only misguided, it's flat out wrong.
Who is ultimately responsible for the safety of all children? Schools? Churches? Parents? Or are the children supposed to just suck it up and take care of themselves? Actually it doesn't seem that anyone really knows or cares. School officials often say that they don't have time to teach safety to children and academics take priority. Church staff usually say something similar to what I quoted above. Parents? Well there are a couple of issues there. In most cases parents lack the knowledge or experience to properly educate their children on how to stay safe, especially from abduction and abuse. Also, considering that due to many parents working full-time jobs, the children actually see their school teachers and church educators more than their parents.
The reality is that ultimately ALL adults are responsible for the safety of children, especially if they regularly have children in their care (school educators, church educators, youth group leaders, childcare providers, etc). While children can learn simple skills to keep themselves safe as a last-ditch option, it's the adults that are responsible for making sure the children receive this education. If you oversee or provide care to children and you don't take steps to directly keep them safe or to empower them with the knowledge to keep themselves are part of the problem rather than the solution. As long as there are adults out there that feel safety should take a back seat to some curriculum or overall objective, there will always be child victims. However, it doesn't have to be that way.
A portion of my life has revolved around providing safety education to children with hopes that those I reach will never be the victim of abduction or abuse. However, I am only one person and I can't do it alone. I need help from those that work with children and those that can reinforce the message that I share. Without the support of educators, church leaders, and parents...children will always be vulnerable. Please open your eyes to this fact!
One of the churches I recently contacted made the following statement in response- "the time allotted to us for any special events for kids outside of Sunday services are intended for discipleship opportunities to help further grow kids in their relationship with Christ. We try to stay within those guidelines when providing additional programs through out the year."
Let me be perfectly clear here...I believe that assisting children to have a better relationship with Christ is very important. However, this alone will not prevent these children from becoming victims of abduction or abuse. This alone most certainly will not prepare a child for the pain and violence they may be forced to endure at the hands of a predator. To think otherwise is not only misguided, it's flat out wrong.
Who is ultimately responsible for the safety of all children? Schools? Churches? Parents? Or are the children supposed to just suck it up and take care of themselves? Actually it doesn't seem that anyone really knows or cares. School officials often say that they don't have time to teach safety to children and academics take priority. Church staff usually say something similar to what I quoted above. Parents? Well there are a couple of issues there. In most cases parents lack the knowledge or experience to properly educate their children on how to stay safe, especially from abduction and abuse. Also, considering that due to many parents working full-time jobs, the children actually see their school teachers and church educators more than their parents.
The reality is that ultimately ALL adults are responsible for the safety of children, especially if they regularly have children in their care (school educators, church educators, youth group leaders, childcare providers, etc). While children can learn simple skills to keep themselves safe as a last-ditch option, it's the adults that are responsible for making sure the children receive this education. If you oversee or provide care to children and you don't take steps to directly keep them safe or to empower them with the knowledge to keep themselves are part of the problem rather than the solution. As long as there are adults out there that feel safety should take a back seat to some curriculum or overall objective, there will always be child victims. However, it doesn't have to be that way.
A portion of my life has revolved around providing safety education to children with hopes that those I reach will never be the victim of abduction or abuse. However, I am only one person and I can't do it alone. I need help from those that work with children and those that can reinforce the message that I share. Without the support of educators, church leaders, and parents...children will always be vulnerable. Please open your eyes to this fact!
Knife Disarms, for real???
I use the term "disarms"
very loosely because it gives people a general idea of what we are
trying to accomplish, an attempt to
prevent the attacker from shooting us. However, I do not teach disarms
in the traditional sense, stripping the weapon from the attacker's grip
while they stand there looking on in amazement. This is great for that
WOW factor and getting people interested in self-defense, and it works
great in a controlled training environment. However, these fancy
techniques don't always work as well when the attacker intends on
killing you and has a convulsive death grip on the weapon. There is an
easy litmus test to verify this...use training firearms that shoot some
kind of projectile such as airsoft, paint rounds, or even rubber bands.
Set up the scenarios so that the attacker is acting and moving like a
real attacker, no standing around with the gun just hanging out there
waiting for the disarm. Then tell the attacker that he makes the
decision whether or not he wants to shoot the victim and tell him that
if he sees any aggressive movement toward the gun that he is to shoot.
Can you guess what you will find? The defender will be shot more often than not. Even if it's only 50% of the time, this is too high of a probability for the techniques to be applicable for surviving a gun attack.
What about the knife? Same thing applies. While many martial arts instructors will show these cool disarms where the knife is stripped from the attacker's grip, even while sparring, I wouldn't bet my life on them during a real attack. Why not? Because real attackers move and act differently than fellow martial artists. They generally don't comply like a good training partner and what often works in training doesn't always work in real life.
What's the real problem with the "disarm" strategy? Well, to be blunt, this causes the intended victim to be weapon-fixated. In other words, they focus on the weapon that the attacker is holding rather than doing what is necessary to slow or stop the attacker that is holding the weapon. In short, we need to focus on interrupting the central nervous system (aka the brain) because this is the most efficient route to disarming the attacker. The longer we focus on or struggle to take the weapon away, that's precious time we are wasting and this increases the likelihood we will be severely injured or killed.
While traditional disarms have been known to work in some situations, there are better and more easily learned options and tactics that have been shown to work more frequently and with less risk.
So, don't get caught up in the weapon "disarm" illusion, especially if your focus is on the ability to survive lethal force situations.
Can you guess what you will find? The defender will be shot more often than not. Even if it's only 50% of the time, this is too high of a probability for the techniques to be applicable for surviving a gun attack.
What about the knife? Same thing applies. While many martial arts instructors will show these cool disarms where the knife is stripped from the attacker's grip, even while sparring, I wouldn't bet my life on them during a real attack. Why not? Because real attackers move and act differently than fellow martial artists. They generally don't comply like a good training partner and what often works in training doesn't always work in real life.
What's the real problem with the "disarm" strategy? Well, to be blunt, this causes the intended victim to be weapon-fixated. In other words, they focus on the weapon that the attacker is holding rather than doing what is necessary to slow or stop the attacker that is holding the weapon. In short, we need to focus on interrupting the central nervous system (aka the brain) because this is the most efficient route to disarming the attacker. The longer we focus on or struggle to take the weapon away, that's precious time we are wasting and this increases the likelihood we will be severely injured or killed.
While traditional disarms have been known to work in some situations, there are better and more easily learned options and tactics that have been shown to work more frequently and with less risk.
So, don't get caught up in the weapon "disarm" illusion, especially if your focus is on the ability to survive lethal force situations.
Self-Defense Blunders #6- calling it "Street Fighting"
There seems to be a common misconception regarding the terms "self-defense" and "street fighting". Many will talk about the terms as if they are one in the same, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.There are a variety of books out there and even internet discussion forums devoted to "street fighting". Unfortunately, few that promote the term actually understand what it is that they are promoting.
Let's begin with some simple definitions-
Street Fighting from Wikipedia-
"Street fighting is hand-to-hand fighting in public places, between individuals or groups of people."
"The main difference between street fighting and a self-defense situation is that a street fight is avoidable, whereas a self-defense situation is not. "
Self-Defense from online dictionary-
"The act of defending one's person when physically attacked, as by countering blows or overcoming an assailant: the art of self-defense."
As we look at the definition of "street fighting", especially the second statement we see the word that that clearly sets "street fighting" apart from "self-defense", and that word is 'avoidable'. A "street fight" is what is commonly referred to at a symmetrical match fight. Everyone that is involved in a symmetrical match fight has agreed to be involved. They have provided consent, either verbally or implied. The typical scenario involves two or more guys. They begin with the pre-fight rituals of flaring their chests, flailing their arms, and pecking their heads. Typically this will include the exchange of verbal abuse and threats, leading up to the physical engagement. When all parties have agreed to participate in these rituals and engagements, not a single participant can claim "self-defense" by any legal definition. So, in other words, "street fighting" is about engaging in consensual combat. It's not any different than boxing or wrestling with the exception that it takes place on the street or in some public place.
"Self-defense" on the other hand is what is referred to as an asymmetrical assault. Generally during asymmetrical assaults, one person has initiated the attack and the intended victim has not provided consent in any way, shape, or form. They have been forced into the situation and generally look for opportunities of escape rather than engage the attacker in a physical manner.
So, "street fighting" can easily be avoided. It's a matter of avoiding those people and places that will likely lead to confrontation. If confrontation is expected, it's just a matter of walking away and choosing not to feed the ego. However, "self-defense" situations can often be avoided as well by simply using awareness and prevention strategies. Although, even if these strategies are regularly employed, there are no guarantees. In that case, escape should be the first priority and physical engagement should only be considered after all other options have been exhausted.
As you can see, there is is a difference between the two terms as well as the potential outcome for each. If effective self-defense and personal safety is what you seek, I suggest avoiding those instructors that promote the term "street fighting". Not only does the term confuse the student but it reflects negatively on the objective of the training and could even lead to legal ramifications should a person be forced to use their "street fighting" in defense of themselves or someone else.
Let's begin with some simple definitions-
Street Fighting from Wikipedia-
"Street fighting is hand-to-hand fighting in public places, between individuals or groups of people."
"The main difference between street fighting and a self-defense situation is that a street fight is avoidable, whereas a self-defense situation is not. "
Self-Defense from online dictionary-
"The act of defending one's person when physically attacked, as by countering blows or overcoming an assailant: the art of self-defense."
As we look at the definition of "street fighting", especially the second statement we see the word that that clearly sets "street fighting" apart from "self-defense", and that word is 'avoidable'. A "street fight" is what is commonly referred to at a symmetrical match fight. Everyone that is involved in a symmetrical match fight has agreed to be involved. They have provided consent, either verbally or implied. The typical scenario involves two or more guys. They begin with the pre-fight rituals of flaring their chests, flailing their arms, and pecking their heads. Typically this will include the exchange of verbal abuse and threats, leading up to the physical engagement. When all parties have agreed to participate in these rituals and engagements, not a single participant can claim "self-defense" by any legal definition. So, in other words, "street fighting" is about engaging in consensual combat. It's not any different than boxing or wrestling with the exception that it takes place on the street or in some public place.
"Self-defense" on the other hand is what is referred to as an asymmetrical assault. Generally during asymmetrical assaults, one person has initiated the attack and the intended victim has not provided consent in any way, shape, or form. They have been forced into the situation and generally look for opportunities of escape rather than engage the attacker in a physical manner.
So, "street fighting" can easily be avoided. It's a matter of avoiding those people and places that will likely lead to confrontation. If confrontation is expected, it's just a matter of walking away and choosing not to feed the ego. However, "self-defense" situations can often be avoided as well by simply using awareness and prevention strategies. Although, even if these strategies are regularly employed, there are no guarantees. In that case, escape should be the first priority and physical engagement should only be considered after all other options have been exhausted.
As you can see, there is is a difference between the two terms as well as the potential outcome for each. If effective self-defense and personal safety is what you seek, I suggest avoiding those instructors that promote the term "street fighting". Not only does the term confuse the student but it reflects negatively on the objective of the training and could even lead to legal ramifications should a person be forced to use their "street fighting" in defense of themselves or someone else.
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About Me

- szorn
- -27 years training in personal safety -Multiple martial arts black belts -Multiple instructor certifications -Certified law enforcement trainer -Crime Prevention Specialist -Previous self-defense trainer for one of the country's largest airlines -Child safety specialist -Certified Fitness Trainer -TACTIX Fitness Trainer -High Intensity Training Specialist -FAST Defense Instructor -Kid Escape Instructor
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