Sunday, May 12, 2013

Stop Assault FAST with Bill Kipp - August 11 - Columbia City, Indiana

Stop Assault FAST with Bill Kipp, former Marine Recon and FAST Defense founder.
Sunday August 11, 2013 - 1pm to 4pm
Living Arts - Columbia City, Indiana
Cost only $75 per person
Suitable for women, men, and teens ages 13 and older.
No previous training or experience necessary.

Space limited to first 25 to pre-register. Contact us to reserve your spot!

Stop Bullies FAST with Bill Kipp - Columbia City, IN August 9th, 2013

Stop Bullies FAST with Bill Kipp, former Marine Recon and FAST Defense founder.

Friday August 9th - 6pm-8pm
Living Arts in Columbia City, IN

Suitable for children ages 6-12
$50 per single child or only $40 per child for families with 3 or more children

Pre-registration required as space is limited to only 25 children.
Contact us to reserve a spot for your children, grandchildren, or children in your care...

FAST Defense coming to Indiana- taught by founder Bill Kipp

FAST Defense to be offered in Indiana...

In less than 3 months Bill Kipp, founder of Fast Defense is bringing his empowering personal safety programs for adults and children to Indiana.

"Stop Bullies FAST" will be offered for children ages 6-12

"Stop Assault FAST" will be offered to teens and adults, 13 and older

These life-enhancing programs offer awareness drills, boundary-setting, conflict resolution, verbal self-defense, and if needed methods of physical defense and escape. This also includes FULL-FORCE scenario training against instructors wearing FAST Defense Predator Armour.

Suitable for everyone and no previous training or experience is needed. Martial artists are welcome and encouraged to attend to as a means to pressure-test themselves.

These programs are not to be missed if you care about your safety or the safety of your children.

I will post the details soon.
Saturday, May 04, 2013

Bill Kipp coming to Indiana to teach Stress Shooting

STRESS SHOOTINGPSU in collaboration with Living Arts Academy will be bringing Bill Kipp (of FAST Defense fame) to the area to conduct one of his new Stress Shooting courses.

This unique course will hone your defensive shooting skills through realistic interactive scenario-based training. In other words, you will engage other living, moving, and fighting human beings that will be fighting and shooting back. These force-on-force scenarios and exercises will prepare you to successfully use your firearm against real threats, not just paper targets. If you carry a gun for personal protection, force-on-force training is a requirement to make sure your skills don't deteriorate under stress.

This will be the first time the course has been offered in Indiana. It's suitable for men, women, experienced shooters, and even those who have never held a firearm in their life. If you currently carry a firearm for self-defense or have plans to in the future, don't miss this life-saving course.

Location- Columbia City, Indiana
Date- Saturday August 10th

Time- 9am-12:30pm for Level 1, 1:30pm-5:00pm for Level 2
Cost -$149 for both Level 1 & 2

We only have 16 spots available and some of these are already reserved. Don't miss out!

Get more info on the course at the Stress Shooting website-

Download the flyer-

View some testimonials from participants just like you-

See some information that will be covered during the course-

Contact me ASAP to reserve your spot today!

Steve Zorn, ICPS
Personal Safety Unlimited

Personal Safety Unlimited of Indiana joins FAST Defense

I am proud to announce that Personal Safety Unlimited is now associated with FAST Defense, the industry leader in adrenal stress scenario based self-defense.

"FAST Defense is the latest evolution of personal protection/conflict resolution called adrenal stress response training. We train you how to control the adrenal stress response that anyone gets in a confrontation, whether
it is a small verbal engagement or a physical attack, and even to use this powerful emotional bio-chemical response as an incredible source of power!"

Anyone that has attended one of my self-defense presentations over the past 10 years knows that I address the physiological and psychological aspects of the adrenal response and how it's effected by violence, as well as how it can be used to our advantage. This being the case, I felt that joining FAST Defense would be the next step in not only improving my own knowledge and skills, but also being able to improve the knowledge and skills of my students and clients. FAST Defense is based on over 40 years of research into real assaults as well as feedback from dozens of instructors and thousands of students worldwide. All of the FAST Defense courses provide an amazing training experience along with enhancing verbal and physical self-defense skills.

Keep an eye out for upcoming FAST Defense courses through Personal Safety Unlimited.
It's my goal to become Indiana's premiere source for the FAST Defense courses

In the meantime check out the FAST Defense website for more information-

Steve Zorn, ICPS
Personal Safety Unlimited

About Me

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-27 years training in personal safety -Multiple martial arts black belts -Multiple instructor certifications -Certified law enforcement trainer -Crime Prevention Specialist -Previous self-defense trainer for one of the country's largest airlines -Child safety specialist -Certified Fitness Trainer -TACTIX Fitness Trainer -High Intensity Training Specialist -FAST Defense Instructor -Kid Escape Instructor
View my complete profile


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